USA (Colorado): Summit Cove Elementary Students Petition to End Child Labor at Foxconn –

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USA (Colorado): Summit Cove Elementary Students Petition to End Child Labor at Foxconn –

Summit County, Colorado – We the students of Summit Cove Elementary are in a exhibition group with the topic of child labor, and we think that it is a travesty for children to be forced to work in horrible conditions. Our research indicates child labor occurs in every country in the world, including the United States.

We did research on child laws, child rights, child soldiers and sweatshops, and we decided we are going to make a difference. Also, we are going to make a huge petition to stop Foxconn from using kids to make their money. Foxconn should not be using child labor because the children forced to work there won’t be able to go to school and get a good education. There are hundreds of kids doing the job of an adult. How would you like to work in a hot and sweaty factory? We know the kids at Foxconn know what it’s like because they work there. Their job is to clean and make iPads instead of going to school to get an education.

Children work in factories in China, for example, in fields in Honduras, and in domestic servitude in a myriad of countries. Also, in many parts of Africa, children are forced to be soldiers. Some children can be saved from being child soldiers, but the psychological trauma of this experience stays with them throughout their lives. Children that are soldiers are forced to fight against other child soldiers, and sometimes they even fight against adult soldiers. First, we ask you to join us at to sign a petition to end child labor. We encourage you to come to this website to stop children from making electronics in China while not going to school. We hope at the minimum that 10,000 people sign our petition in order to help stop child labor.

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