Equatorial Guinea: Child Trafficking in Minvoul – Gabonews

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Equatorial Guinea: Child Trafficking in Minvoul – Gabonews

A network of child trafficking, run by women from Equatorial Guinea, Regina Mene Obone and Candida Mango-Nzang Macha, has been dismantled in Minvoul. Two women were recently arrested in Doumassi, a village 12 kilometers from Minvoul, while attempting to carry out a new operation. The alleged traffickers were officially trying to buy fish from fishermen in this area. They actually took advantage of their trade to sell living children among Baka pygmies.


The amount of the transaction is estimated at 450,000 CFA francs per child. Once the contract is approved, these ladies brought back children in Equatorial Guinea where they were put to work as slaves.


“We knew that this network existed. But we were afraid to tell the authorities. They bought children and took them to their country. These women are assisted in this traffic by the village chief who serves as an intermediary and interpreter, “witnesses have reported.


For the moment, nothing has pierced the extent of the network and their actions, especially regarding the number of children who have already been purchased.

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