Application Guidelines

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How to Apply for a Mini-Grant?

If you are a young person, a teacher, a school, or a non-governmental organization working with children and/or youth and need a small amount of funds to support a project idea to help end exploitative child labor, we want to hear your ideas.

Print or download the application guidelines that are contained in the document below:

ECL, in collaboration with the Emily Sandall Foundation, awards mini-grants two times per year. Individual awards are a maximum of US$ 500. Applications must be received on or before by March 31st and  October 1st of each year. Awards are selected twice each year by a review committee at the Emily Sandall Memorial Foundation. Selected organizations will receive notification and the public announcement will be released via the website. Applications should be submitted to ECL only in order to ensure review for compliance with the application guidelines and meeting other review criteria as set forth within the application announcement.

To apply, please provide us with the following information:

1) Background information about you or your organization, including contact information and why you are interested in working on child labor issues.

2) A brief project description, including goals, objectives, specific tangible product or activities to be completed, and the nature of the documentation of your accomplishments that will be submitted to ECL.

Description should be clear regarding how the grant award will be specifically used. General descriptions will be considered unresponsive. In the case of NGOs, funds are not for use for administrative costs / overhead, but for direct cost support of the activity.

Funds can be used to meet the USDOL or other donor match requirements to support activities not currently authorized for use by USDOL or other donor, such as micro-credit or activities with child laborers not meeting the specific age requirement of USDOL (under 12 year children, 18-25 year older youth groups or parents of working children).

3) A project budget, with a brief rationale, stating specifically how the funds (US$ 500 max) will be used. If additional funds are needed to complete your project, please document that the funds have already been received and show how the Emily grant will support the broader funded project.

4) How the IIECL – Emily Sandall Memorial Mini-Grant would allow you to implement your project, and how you will recognize the Emily grant as part of your activity

5) How you will recognize the IIECL – Emily Sandall Memorial Mini-Grant as part of your activities, documentation that you will provide that demonstrates that the activities were accomplished, and types of media you will provide that can be posted to the website showing the results of your work.

Please send your proposal to:

IIECL, 1016 S. Wayne Street, Suite 702,
Arlington, VA 22204, USA

Email the proposal in MS Word to Diane Mull at
Please note in subject line, “Emily Sandall Memorial Grant Application.”

Award notification will appear on the website by May and November of each year. Due to the interest and desire to encourage youth to apply, mini-grant applications will be accepted throughout the year and awards will be made twice yearly, in the spring and in the fall.

Good luck, and we look forward to receiving your mini-proposals for project activities.

(We encourage you to download or print the document below.)

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