Mali: Tuareg Rebels in Mali Using Child Soldiers – HRW

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Mali: Tuareg Rebels in Mali Using Child Soldiers – HRW

A report released by non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch titled “Mali-War Crimes by Northern Rebels” highlights how Mali rebels have been accused of using child soldiers within their ranks.

According to the Human rights Watch (HRW) report, residents from several towns and villages in the North described the presence of children as young as 13 in the ranks of the Movement for the National Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) and to a much lesser extent other militias in the area.

It was reported that the child soldiers appeared to be between 15 and 17 years old; some appeared to be as young as 12. Tuareg rebels have fought against the Malian state since its independence in 1960. Hostilities have recently increased due to the
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