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Pitting Child Safety Against the Family Farm
Efforts to reform agricultural child labor laws have repeatedly been beaten back as supposed threats to the rural way of life.
Efforts to reform agricultural child labor laws have repeatedly been beaten back as supposed threats to the rural way of life.
Child labor is common practice is Philippine region of Mindanao CNN International He says he does it to help his parents, but he is just one of many children who are part of an illegal economic [...]
IIECL and the Emily Sandall Foundation wish to extend thanks to all of the hundreds of applicants who responded to the call for applications for an Emily grant. “This has been the largest [...]
The Obama administration on Thursday once again sided with industry instead of workers on regulations and withdrew the Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed rules that would have restricted [...]
Washington, DC – The US Labor Department’s withdrawal of proposed rules to shield hired child farmworkers from the most dangerous tasks condemns children to be killed and maimed, [...]
Marshfield, Wisconsin – National Farm Medicine Center’s National Children’s Center has released its 2012 Blueprint for Protecting Children in Agriculture. This National Action [...]
Summit County, Colorado – We the students of Summit Cove Elementary are in a exhibition group with the topic of child labor, and we think that it is a travesty for children to be forced to [...]
Washington, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor has issued the following statement regarding the withdrawal of a proposed rule dealing with children who work in agricultural vocations: [...]