USA (California): Apple CEO Tim Cook gives State of the Apple talk at Goldman – VentureBeat

Home / Child labor in manufacturing / USA (California): Apple CEO Tim Cook gives State of the Apple talk at Goldman – VentureBeat

USA (California): Apple CEO Tim Cook gives State of the Apple talk at Goldman – VentureBeat

you are reading… Apple CEO Tim Cook gives State of the Apple talk at Goldman…
These audits will ensure that child labor is not present in Apple’s supply chain, which Cook says is “abhorrent,” and “extremely rare in our supply chain.” “If we find a supplier that intentionally hires under-aged labor, it’s a firing offense,” he
Apple CEO Says He’ll End Child Labor And Unsafe Conditions At Chinese
Media Skills: 5 Ways Tim Cook Tackled the Tough QuestionForbes
Tim Cook Hits Back at Factory Abuse Reports: ‘Apple Cares About Its WorkersReuters
all 449 news articles »

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