US – Illinois: Two 14 year old girls killed after being electrocuted in farm accident

Home / Agriculture / US – Illinois: Two 14 year old girls killed after being electrocuted in farm accident

US – Illinois: Two 14 year old girls killed after being electrocuted in farm accident

Two teenage girls died after being electrocuted in a freak farm accident while working in a cornfield on Monday. Fourteen-year-olds Jade Garza and Hannah Kendall of Sterling, Illinois were electrocuted after coming into contact with a field irrigator. The two best friends were working in a cornfield detasseling corn in northwestern Illinois. According to a statement released by their employer, the Monsanto Corporation, the pair were ‘electrically shocked by a center pivot irrigation system’. Seventy-two other workers were working in the field at the time. Two other workers were seriously injured. Six other workers received treatment for non-life-threatening injuries.

Laws in the US allow for children under the age of 16 to work in non-hazardous jobs in agriculture.  No other industry is afforded this exemption but agriculture. Isn’t it about time that child labor laws in the US were updated and changed to ensure the protection of children from avoidable accidents, injuries and even death? This tragedy was avoidable. These girls need not have died. Please take action to support the passage of the Children’s Act for Responsible Employment (CARE) Act. Call your US congressman or senator today.

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