Looking at Global Child Labor

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Looking at Global Child Labor

Young girl sniffing glue, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Young girl sniffing glue, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

This week at Media Voices, we are excited to present a photo essay by Hilary Duffy, Young Lives at Risk on the Street: Central America. Hilary has been working on photographic projects for international NGOs, since she received an International Center of Photography/Johnson & Johnson Fellowship to document the work of non-governmental organizations on the U.S.-Mexico border in 2002. Her work has taken her from the U.S. to Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and tsunami-affected regions. Young Lives at Risk, a multimedia project, was produced in partnership with Covenant House Latin America street outreach workers and the youth who agreed to voice their struggles and to communicate messages to their peers.

For more of Hilary Duffy’s work, see her website

There is qualified good news coming out of the Global Child Labour Conference in The Hague this week. The overall incidence of child labor has declined, from 222 million to 215 million. That’s the good news. However, the rate of decline has slowed sharply in comparison with the past four years, which showed a rate of decline at eleven percent. This year, with a global recession and a punishing series of natural disasters, the rate lies at three percent. Yet the economic woes should not be taken as an excuse for discouragement and slackened effort in the campaign to eradicate child labor, according to ILO Director-General Juan Somavia, but rather as an opportunity for developing a politics that is in the best interests of people, the economy and permanent development.

"Babies" © Focus FeaturesFor more details, see the ILO background report generated for the Global Child Labour Conference this week, Accelerating Action against Child Labor.

Finally, we are pleased to present a review of the feature documentary, “Babies”, by Monique Marie DeJong. “Babies” is a look at the way human babies are raised in four different cultures around the world.

Len will be back next week, with his impressions from the child labor conference in The Hague.

IMG_2382Petra Lent McCarron is an experienced television and film producer and editor. She co-produced Stolen Childhoods and Rescuing Emmanuel for Galen Films. She began her career at WNET (PBS) in New York City as an associate producer for Heritage: Civilization and the Jews. She also worked as an associate producer and stock footage researcher on Robert Moses, for WNET and JFK: A Time Remembered for Obenhaus Films and The Susskind Company.
As a film editor, Petra has worked for the New York Times Oral History Project on their film, Taste Ladies and Ink-Stained Wretches. She was a contributing editor to Stolen Childhoods, Rescuing Emmanuel and Big Guns Talk – all for Galen Films. A graduate of Swarthmore College and Columbia University, her work has been shown on PBS and broadcast around the world.

Published by Published by xFruits

Original source : http://mediavoicesforchildren.org/?p=5471…

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