Applications being accepted for the Spring 2011 Emily Grants!

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Applications being accepted for the Spring 2011 Emily Grants!

If you are a young person,adult, teacher, school, or non-governmental organization who had an interest or is working with children and/or youth and need a small amount of funds to support a project idea to help end exploitative child labor, we want to hear your ideas. Emily grant applications are being accepted until midnight on March 31, 2010. ECL, in collaboration with the Emily Sandall Foundation, will be awarding four mini-grants in the spring of 2011. Individual awards are a maximum of $500 US. Applications must be received on or before March 31, 2011. Awards are reviewed by ECL and a committee at the Emily Sandall Memorial Foundation. Selected applicants will receive notification through the public announcement released via ECL’s website in April 2011. Reports of past award grantees are contained on the website. For further information regarding the application process, please refer to the Emily Sandall Grants section of the website. Emily grant application guidelines are very easy to follow. Each application received will be given full consideration. Submit your application to IIECL via  A second round of four grants will be awarded in the fall of 2011 as well.

Students, youth, young adults and teachers are encouraged to apply. Be creative with your ideas as to how to raise awareness and promote education to end child labor at your school  and / or local community. Please share this notice with others who may be interested. The deadline of March 31 is approaching, so apply today!

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    Greetings from VOCRDC, Vadipatty, Madurai-district,India

    VOC RDC is a registered, non–profit voluntary organization working for the downtrodden people especially for women and children since 1996.

    Our target groups are: Dalit Women, Bonded Women Workers & Child Labourers working in Stone Quarries, Blue metals and brick units, dropout children, youth, differently abled, and landless laborers, in Vadipatty and Alanganallur Blocks of Madurai District.

    We are primarily concentrating on the eradication of poverty, hunger through sustainable livelihood means, small-scale projects, health care , Promote Education, basic health care, nutrition, education, literacy development project,children’s access to education and human resources,. our project villages. We happened to browse your website and understand that your priority areas fall in our present work.

    We would like to become your partners by implementing some of the programmes which are in line with ours. We will be very grateful if you could kindly send us your guidelines/ application formats so as to enable us to submit our project proposal for which kind of act, we shall remain grateful to you.
    With kind regards,

  • Diane Mull

    I encourage you to visit the Emily Sandall section of the IIECL website ( and see the application guidelines. These can be downloaded as they are in PDF and available for download to your computer. We encourage you to apply for an Emily grant. The application deadline is March 31, 2011. Kind regards, Lynda Diane Mull, IIECL Executive Director

  • Jacob

    I am failing to submit my proposal. For some reason your email does not see me through. Ja

  • Diane Mull

    The email address does not have an ‘s’ at the end of grants. The correct email address is: Sorry for the confusion.

  • Mrs. P. Sathiyabama

    Dear friends,

    Greetings from WORD, Pondicherry India.

    Ours is a non-profitable voluntary social service organisation in the field of women & child development with focusing environment issues.

    We are in need of your general conditions and application guidelines for the financial support from you for our proposed project titled -Education about “Global Climate Change and Children’s Health”.

    We shall be much thankful to you if you can supply us with some information so that we can submit you the above mentioned project proposal soon for your kind consideration.

    Hoping to hear from you,

    Thanking you,

    Sincerely yours,

    Mrs. P. Sathiyabama,
    Women’s Organisation for Rural Developemt-WORD
    4, Mariamman Koil Street,
    PERIAPET Village,
    Villianur Commune
    Pondicherry-605 110

  • Diane Mull

    Dear Ms. Sathiyabama,
    Please see the guidelines that are posted on the IIECL website under the Emily Sandall Grants section. The application guidelines are posted and can be downloaded to assist with your proposal development. The next round of grants will be in the fall of 2011.
    IIECL Staff

  • Diane Mull

    Please ensure that you are typing in the correct email address. There are several that can be used. But, the one listed in the Applications Guidelines does work. Just be sure that you spell it correctly.

  • Christina

    Dear Mull we like to thank you for giving us such a wonderfull opportunity that we need, I did not get it write if we can still apply for the next one or we should wait for next year. Yours faithfuly.

  • Diane Mull

    Hi, Christina. The next round of grant applications will be considered in the fall, around September. So, you can submit applications anytime between now and the deadline in September (15th or 30th). We encourage you to apply. The announcement about applications being accepted will likely be posted on the website in July 2011.

  • Christina

    Dear Mull! Vumundzuku bya vana(Our Childrens future) is a Non profit Organization that is on the filed since 1995 we are walking with Orphan and vulnerable made by HIV/AIDS in zonkizizwe we help the children with there School walk , do spost art and cultur and we have Peer Education which is our youth. We feed them with full meal 3 times a week, because we do not have sustainable fund. we are only center who are doing this walk in this aeria, so we can be gratefull if we can qualifai for this grant. Yours faith full. Christina Buthelezi

  • Diane Mull

    Dear Christina,

    We encourage you/your organization to apply for an Emily grant. Please do review the application guidelines that are contained on the website under the “Emily Sandall Memorial Grants” section. The next round of grants will occur in the fall. Be sure to submit your application in advance of the deadline. The announcement regarding accepting new applications will likely be issued in July.

    Thank you for your blog and comments. Also, thank you for the work that you do to support and assist children in your community.


    Diane Mull
    IIECL Executive Director

  • Alagesan

    Centre for Rural Education and Development
    301 Main Road
    T. Vadipatty 625 218
    Madurai District
    Tamil Nadu, INDIA


    Re: Request for Information Regarding Collaboration with your organisation

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    The Centre for Rural Education and Development is a voluntary organisation operating in the Madurai district in Tamil Nadu, India. Founded in 1987, it was established to help disadvantaged sectors of society overcome barriers to their economic and social development. The philosophy of the organisation is to act as a facilitator for the community, addressing local needs through locally designed and implemented projects. CRED has successfully conducted programs in the areas of education, vocational training, women’s empowerment, child welfare, health and enterprise development. These projects have empowered the local people to help themselves in a way that is sustainable, and increases self-esteem. CRED is now a respected NGO amongst its peers, and the local community.
    We would appreciate to collaborate with you can you provide information about working with you. for needy and disadvantage people in Madurai District
    Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear from you soon.
    Mr S Alagesan

  • Diane Mull

    Dear Mr. Alagesan,

    We encourage you/your organization to apply for an Emily grant. Please do review the application guidelines that are contained on the website under the “Emily Sandall Memorial Grants” section. The next round of grants will occur in the fall. Be sure to submit your application in advance of the deadline. The announcement regarding accepting new applications will likely be issued in July.

    Thank you for your blog and comments. Also, thank you for the work that you do to support and assist children in your community.


    Diane Mull
    IIECL Executive Director

  • Hello Dian, I pray that all is well with you. I just want to thank you for all you taught me as a volunteer teacher in Ghana,Accra 2009.Recently I received my masters Degree In Special Education and applying for my Doctoral Degree.My course will be on line this year.Leaving me available to work in the fields of African and other Nations.I am currently looking for employment. I remember you telling me that you wanted a rest. I really respect the work you do and would like to continue doing the type of work but professional organization.

  • Diane Mull

    Hi, Lautrina. Great to hear from you. Congratulations on your graduation and degree. You are an amazing person and will achieve all that you seek. It’s wonderful that you are pursuing to continue your work in international development. I wish you much success in your job search. I encourage you to check out the website. That posts many of the job openings or consulting opportunities that are available in international development work through the network of international NGOs. It’s a great way to start to look for employment. I’ll keep you in mind should opportunities open here at IIECL. Right now we are at capacity, but new projects and activities open from time to time. I wish you the best, and enjoyed looking at your website. Warm regards, Diane

  • Musoke .S. Twahah

    Dear Diane

    Thanks for your effort towards fighting for child rights.
    Through my coomunity interventionS under Eagles Youth Development we are reaching out young people in and out of schoolS with human rights and health related messages.
    And how can I access funds to educate young people to end child labour in Busukuma Sub county -Uganda.
    Musoke .S. Twahah

  • Diane Mull

    Dear Musoke,
    Please see the section on IIECL’s website related to our Emily Grants. Please follow the instructions and submit your application. It will be given consideration along with other applicants. Please keep up your wonderful efforts to assist children in Uganda.

  • K. Amirthalingam

    Respected sir,

    Greetings from Association for Social Solidarity and Empowerment Training Trust (ASSET)

    ASSET is a non-profit social development organization established to help disadvantaged sectors of society overcome barriers to their economic and social development, and addressing local needs through locally designed and implemented projects. We are in need of your general conditions and application guidelines for the financial support from you

    We shall be happy to collaborate with your agency , so kindly send your guidelines and grant application to our organization.

    Hoping to hear from you,

    Thanking you,

    Sincerely yours,

    K. Amirthalingam
    Project Director – ASSET,
    18/10 Manimekalai street,
    Ganapathi Nagar,
    Madurai District – 625 012,
    Tamil Nadu, India

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