Activities and Programs

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Social Accountability Auditing

IIECL continued and expanded its social accountability auditing activities, both in terms of child labor sectors, companies and the types of activities conducted.

· Adidas (shoes and clothing),

· Fair Labor Association (garment, cotton-seed and development of an audit instrument),

· European Union (input into the design of social accountability auditing strategies),

· Patagonia (clothing),

· Reebok (shoes and clothing), and

· Ranchos Los Pinos (agricultural commodities).

Curriculum Development on Children’s Rights and Child Labor

IIECL staff provided technical assistance to improve the curriculum materials and supplemental workbooks that will be used within the EDUCATODAS program in Honduras.

Vocational Literacy Lifeskills Curriculum Development

IIECL staff conducted the research, designed the intervention strategy and provided technical assistance with the implementation of the Youth Education and Skills project in West Africa. Part of this technical assistance included the conduct of a situation analysis, conduct of a job risk/ergonomics analysis on the activities of children in cocoa production, designing and helping to write a radio social messaging campaign, field testing the materials within rural agricultural communities in Ghana, developing and writing a functional literacy lifeskills curriculum that was presented in the vocational context of cocoa production for out-of-school youth, field testing the curriculum and training the community-based education facilitators who will deliver the education for out of school youth within the communities. The key components developed included understanding child labor and child rights; the value of education; steps in developing a sustainable cocoa farm; integrated pest management practices to reduce the reliance and risk due to use of pesticides; lifeskills for employment; and environmental health, HIV-AIDS, and pesticide and worker safety education. In addition to the curriculum, IIECL staff assisted with the development of the teacher’s guide and the radio social messaging public service announcements, mini-dramas, and preludes for talk shows. The curriculum, teacher’s guide and radio social messaging materials are for use in the West African country of Ghana, Western region, Sefwi Wiawso District. This program model and curriculum is being used in other locations in Latin America and Africa regions.

Evaluation of Child Labor Education Programs

IIECL staff have assisted with the conduct of evaluations of child labor (including child soldiers and trafficking) prevention and education programs.

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