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Technical Assistance and Training on Child Labor – PAVE

Futher assistance to the KURET project was provided by IIECL’s staff member, Diane Mull. This included the design, development and training on a child-centered, case management methodology for former child laborers and those at-risk of child labor and customized for the KURET project. The approach is called PAVE, “Pathways Advancing Viable Education”.The PAVE approach includes an outreach, intake and assessment, educational development planning, follow-up and monitoring for continuous improvement components. This approach encourages the child, and where appropriate their parent/guardian, to have input into the design of their future strategy for achieving their immediate educational goals that leads to their ultimate vocational goal.

The PAVE approach helps guide the staff, along with the child and their parent, toward identifying the appropriate interventions that are needed to address immediate and long-term barriers to achieving basic education and, where appropriate, skills training goals that are realistic and viable for the beneficiary. This helps the child, and their parent, understand more clearly the importance of education toward achieving future employability. This helps the staff to better plan those steps and interventions needed to achieve their output objectives of enrolling into education, remaining in education (not dropping out), completing education, and successfully transitioning out of the program to other activities that will help the beneficiary achieve their ultimate educational and vocational goals.

PAVE is designed to enable staff to identify those most in need and to continually monitor the progress of the child or youth, as the educational development plan is an ever growing and evolving instrument and guide. One aspect of PAVE is assisting with the development of intake, assessment, EDP (educational development planning), and follow-up forms that will be used by project staff throughout the course of the program. These instruments or forms serve to collect and necessary information about each beneficiary to enable the staff to jointly plan with the beneficiary, identify those actions needed for budgeting and planning purposes, and report on progress made with each child or youth enrolled in the project to the donor agency. The data collected on each child or youth serves as the basis for a pre and post comparison of the impact that KURET has had on each and every child or youth enrolled. Additionally, at the end of the beneficiaries’ involvement with the program, the staff can further assist the child or youth and their parent with a plan of strategy for helping them stay on the path of achieving their educational goals long after the KURET program is ended.

PAVE is a model uniquely created and designed by Ms. Diane Mull based on her 25 years of youth and adult workforce development and 20+ years of child labor programming experience.

Social Accountability Auditing

IIECL staff member, Ms. Martine Combemale, assisted under contract to conduct a social accountability audit of Air France. Ms. Combemale’s review included not only Air France’s central operations but its subsidiary operations worldwide.

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