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Hershey Co. learning program connects kids in Milton Hershey …
The students in Ghana learn about and report on the cocoa production in their ... child labor and improve wellbeing in African cocoa-producing regions.
The students in Ghana learn about and report on the cocoa production in their ... child labor and improve wellbeing in African cocoa-producing regions.
... filed suit against Hershey Co. to inspect the company's books and records, contending that the Pennsylvania-based confectioner uses cocoa produced as a result of unlawful child [...]
The lawyers in particular talk about child labor practices in Ghana and the Ivory Coast and say Hershey listed these two West African countries as "major sourcing countries" in a [...]
The Louisiana Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System, a Hersey Co. shareholder, filed a lawsuit against [...]Read More
ABOUT The International Initiative on Exploitative Child Labor (IIECL), also commonly known as the International Initiative to End Child Labor, is a US-based, not-for-profit [US IRS approved 501 (c) (3)] organization, incorporated in 1999. We conduct and/or provides education, training, technical assistance, capacity building, research, social accountability auditing, resources, and evaluation services to public and private institutions and agencies, non-governmental organizations, and international programmatic institutions that seek to eliminate the worst forms of child labor in the United States and around the world.
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